Many people will need reading glasses when they get older. If you are having difficulty seeing things up close, you could be experiencing age-related vision changes. This guide explains why specific eye symptoms and subtle adjustments to vision occur in middle age or beyond. You will also learn how particular […]

Research of the Week Baking soda prevents performance declination during tennis matches. Older people who stop lifting weight see their muscles gain intramuscular fat. Resuming training helps the muscles shed it. Kombucha improves gut health and mitigates the damage of a lab diet in rodents. High intensity aerobic training increases […]

Weight management is an important part of staying healthy, preventing disease (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease) and feeling good.  However, weight loss is much more challenging for some than others. Most registered dietitians agree that what used to be considered as “normal body weight parameters” are often unrealistic. There […]

Overview of Piles: Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a commonly misunderstood condition that affects about half of the population at some point in their lives. Every day, thousands upon thousands of people suffer from various types of piles. It can be very painful and uncomfortable for people to […]