May is National Walking Month and it’s about getting out more rather than how fast or how far you can walk . There are so many benefits for getting out for a walk, not least it all counts towards the 150 minutes of aerobic activity that we should be trying to work towards each week even if it’s just a stroll around the garden. Try and go at a pace you are going at a pace you can have a conversation BUT you couldn’t sing a song!
Here are some of the other benefits you could see
- reduce stress
- improve sleep
- improve cardiovascular fitness (heart & lung health!)
- strengthen bones and muscles
- improve muscle endurance
(don’t forget Chichester Wellbeing run a free guided walk programme more details here)
The post May is National Walking Month appeared first on Whole Life Fitness.
Having worked in IT in London for 15 years I was made redundant in 2009. I had trained as a gym instructor whilst working and decided I would rather spend the rest of my career doing something I loved than look for another job in IT. I furthered my qualifications with a Certificate in Advanced Personal Training from the highly regarded Premier Training. Many personal trainers are generalists covering all areas of fitness but I took the decision to specialise in the over-50s and therefore went on to do a CYQ Award in Functional Training for the Independent Older Adult Level 3. My focus is on overall health rather than fitness. I believe that making small changes can have a long term positive effect on health and well-being.
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Tue May 3 , 2022
[ad_1] Yes, yes, banana bread. I love it personally, and I frequently make banana muffins or a loaf with my overripe bananas. But how about something different? Use your overripe bananas for Bread Pudding! They sub in for the sugar, and make the bread pudding moist and delicious. You’ll find […]