Many people in the West envy Asians’ age-defying skin. They look at Asian skin with a great deal of admiration in their eyes. Ever wondered what’s the reason behind the soft and juvenile skin of Asian people? No, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy extravagant facial creams that are full of chemicals. Instead, the secret is the food items that these people eat contain many health benefits for better-looking skin.
Before we share the list of some of the most healthy Asian foods, you may want to check allreviews. This is a review platform where you can find several Indian food delivery companies, from where you can order all the Asian food that you’d like.
And finally, here’s the list of Asian food items subject to healthy skin,
Rosehip oil is a very common ingredient in those special “teas” that are supposed to be miraculous. Rosehip tea or rose tea holds lots and lots of vitamin E and C, fatty acids, and antioxidants that help reduce dark spots. Rose tea also lessens signs of aging, hydrates the skin, and in addition, tastes very sweet. It is easy to consume and sounds like a perfect replacement for those expensive chemicals that you put on your face.
Whole grains cereals
It is a known fact that high glycemic food items such as refined carbohydrates and some processed foods, cause redness of skin and acne. By switching your diet to whole grains such as quinoa, sweet potato, steel-cut oatmeal, and brown rice you can prevent insulin spikes.
Walnut is a much underrated dry fruit. Whenever healthy foods are mentioned many people tend to ignore walnuts. These are actually quite high in vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and zinc. All these minerals are required to crash collagen levels in your body, ultimately keeping skin hydrated and safe from the harm caused by sun rays. Nuts, in general, increase gut health again resulting in better skin. To get the complete benefit from walnuts just keep a handful of these in your pocket and eat as a snack whenever you feel hungry. Another way to consume walnuts is to add them to the salad.
Turmeric is a wonderful ingredient that has many health benefits other than skin health too. It carries antioxidants and anti-inflammatory constituents which brings a glow and freshness to your skin. Turmeric is further, famously used in face masks in Asian households.
Pomegranates are quite commonly consumed in Asian countries. These are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and anthocyanins, which are both very essential for healthy and younger-looking skin. The best way to consume this fruit is to directly eat the seeds instead of drinking its juice. Many of the benefits of fruits are removed through their pulp while making juices.
Although Asian women use many skincare products and make-up as well. It is a fact that their skin looks healthier and younger not because of the chemicals but the food that they consume on a daily basis. So, instead of buying expensive night creams, add the above-mentioned food items to your daily diet to get healthy-looking, glowy skin.