After eating some chat or parantha with onion, you might expect to have a momentarily horrible mouth. That is unavoidable. However, the entire blame for bad breath shouldn’t fall on onion and garlic.
Your food is less of a factor in your bad breath than your oral hygiene. Bad breath mainly comes from what most dentists call stinky sulphur compounds. That’s from the germs on your tongue, inside of your cheeks, and underneath your gum line.
Your mouth’s germs, which feed on the plaque on your teeth, are the source of the odour. Plaque is the filmy layer that accumulates on your teeth. If plaque isn’t removed, it can lead to poor breath, gum disease, and tooth decay.
Sometimes, bad breath can be an indication of a serious health issue. So we would suggest you search for a ‘bad breath treatment dentist near me’ to get it checked.
Otherwise, here are some tips for a fresher, cleaner mouth every day to prevent bad breath if your issue is not serious.
Drink Plenty of Water
Natural microorganisms in your mouth prevent teeth from eroding. But it also contains a lot of dangerous bacteria that lead to tartar and plaque accumulation, which smells awful.
The best technique to get rid of that bacteria with an offensive scent is to drink water.
Some people recommend eight glasses of water every day. Others recommend that you consume half your body weight in ounces. Whatever guideline you choose to follow, make sure you regularly consume a lot of water.
Use Floss and Brush More Frequently
Your teeth’s sticky accumulation known as plaque accumulates bacteria that lead to bad breath. The issue is also exacerbated by trapped food.
You should floss once a day and brush your teeth at least twice daily. Do both a little more frequently if your breath worries you.
But be careful not to overdo it. Too much brushing can wear down your teeth, leaving them more susceptible to decay.
Use Mouthwash without Alcohol
Alcoholic mouthwashes may initially improve breath, but the effects won’t stay. Alcohol dries out the mouth, which makes rebound foul breath worse.
When it comes to battling bad breath, your own saliva is actually your best ally. Saliva helps wash away bacteria from your teeth throughout the day because it flows continuously in your mouth. (Drinking water also benefits.)
You’ll be reaching for the mouthwash all day because when the mouth is dry, bacteria can proliferate and worsen the odour.
Look for a mouthwash that contains xylitol or a zinc component. According to the ADA, these mouthwashes are categorised as therapeutic mouthwashes since they actively reduce plaque and bacteria rather than just covering them up.
So invest in a good quality mouthwash, if you don’t want to search for ‘bad breath treatment near me’.
Brush Before Going To Bed
Naturally, you should clean your teeth before leaving for work in the morning, but brushing before night maybe even more crucial.
Do you recall how saliva can help remove plaque? Well, while you sleep at night, your salivation rate significantly decreases. That implies that plaque and bacteria continue to grow during the night, which inevitably results in morning breath.
Even though morning breath cannot be completely eliminated, it can be reduced by brushing your teeth before bed and beginning the night with a clean mouth. Remember to take care of your tongue as well; the ADA says it’s a breeding ground for bacteria.
Maintain Good Gum Health
Because they are soft and prone to infection, your gums are a delicate component of your mouth. When brushing, food can easily become lodged beneath the gum line and be forgotten.
Make careful to treat your gums the same way you treat your teeth.
Brush the gumline gently in small circular motions. Never use sweeping motions while brushing your gums because this can harm them.
To keep your gums healthy, flossing is crucial. To get rid of any food particles left over from the day, make sure to floss every night.
Stop Using Cigarettes
Here’s one more just in case you need it to stop smoking or chewing tobacco. Smoking cigarettes can lead to foul breath among many other problems.
Smoking has been associated with:
- Tartar and plaque accumulation on the teeth
- Salivary glands that are swollen
- Increased likelihood of acquiring gum disease
Additionally, chewing and smoking tobacco also contributes to foul breath. By giving up smoking and chewing, you can freshen your breath.Visit your dentist or Google ‘bad breath doctor near me’ to learn more about the extent of the dangers of these two habits.