Happy Thanksgiving & WELCOME TO THE CHALLENGE! I trust you all had a delicious and enjoyable Thanksgiving! For my thoughts on holiday eating, check out this article: Permission to Overeat on Thanksgiving! Plus 5 Holiday Eating Tips. (Side note: I recently gave a talk on Mindful Eating during the holidays. […]
Breakfast | Health | Videos | Weight Loss October 21, 2021 | By: Whitney E. RD On this episode of The WERD, I’m answering the common nutrition question: is skipping breakfast bad? The answer isn’t as simple as you would think! Many people – myself included – believe that breakfast is the most […]
As a nation – we LOVE to demonise certain foods and food groups! Over the past few decades, there’s been a trend for ‘cutting carbs’ fuelled by diets such as Atkins, Keto, Dukan to name a few, as well as phrases such as ‘no carbs before marbs!’ or ‘carbs make […]