What do peaches, bananas, almonds, spinach, and coconut water have in common? They’re all heart-healthy foods! Summer is here, temperatures are rising, and it’s time for a refeshingly cold smoothie! A frosty shake is great for any time of day and it’s just so easy to throw ingredients into […]
I am so happy to finally announce that I am officially a cookbook author! I wrote a cookbook! When I was a kid, I had this dream of writing a cookbook when I was older, but I never thought it would actually happen! At a holiday party in 2018, I […]
I can’t believe my very first book, Mediterranean Diet Meal Prep Cookbook, is officially released today! Needless to say, I am very excited to see the culmination of a ton of hard work! Healthy meal prep is a great way to save time during the week AND ensure you have […]
Weight management is an important part of staying healthy, preventing disease (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease) and feeling good. However, weight loss is much more challenging for some than others. Most registered dietitians agree that what used to be considered as “normal body weight parameters” are often unrealistic. There […]
The following post was written by USC Dietetic Intern Jessica Myers. Be sure to follow her on Instagram @myersxhealth . If you are following a low sodium diet, you might find it difficult to adhere to your dietary plan while still being able to go out and enjoy a meal. […]
If you’re like the majority of people, you probably don’t give much thought to your diet’s role in hormone balance. But the truth is that what you eat can profoundly impact the hormone levels in your body. Below are ways in which your meal plan can influence the balance of […]
The following post is written by guest blogger and USC Dietetic Intern, Jessica Myers. Be sure to check out her Instagram page. @myersxhealth for easy and delicious food and nutrition tips! What do twinkly lights, decorative coffee cups, and the fresh smell of pine all have in common? That’s right, […]