22 Jun 5 Ways to Boost Brain Health This post was sponsored by CocoaViaTM. All opinions are my own. Many folks are concerned more than ever about brain health. According to Consumer Reports, 34% of Americans say they’ve noticed signs of forgetfulness significant enough to worry about them. In addition, according […]

A new study suggests that age-related changes in the brain start earlier in life than previously thought, and switching diet may slow down the deterioration. Share on PinterestA diet low in carbs may delay age-related cognitive decline, new research suggests. The findings appear in the journal PNAS. The human brain […]

Smell has a powerful ability to evoke memories. Now, research from Israel suggests smell can also boost the brain’s ability to retain its memories. Share on PinterestNew research shows that scent helps us consolidate memories during our sleep. Familiar scents have an incredible ability to evoke memories from the past. […]

Researchers have discovered a way of detecting the progression of dementia in people with Parkinson’s disease by measuring iron deposits in their brains. Share on PinterestNew research finds a strong link between iron levels in the brain and cognitive health. A team of researchers has discovered that it is possible […]