While certain diets can be followed for a myriad of reasons, most often people choose to diet for a certain reason more than any other: for the purpose of weight loss. Now, this post will not dive into the morality of diet culture and all of the surrounding stigma that […]

written by Nina Shantel, blog: RealDietHelp.com, published November 21, 2022 The holidays are notorious for weight gain because of the massive amount of food that is available and eaten. The high fat foods people consume this time of the year is increased, which contributes to weight gain. Eating before attending […]

As some of you may already know, having worked in the NHS and privately, I specialise in weight management, so I often get many questions at this time of year asking for support with sustainable weight loss to support health, after having been on various unsuccessful diets. If this resonates, […]

A method to help shed pounds rapidly is to reduce sugars and starches, and carbohydrates. This could be with a low carb eating plan or by trying intermittent fasting. Aim to eat anywhere between 350 and 500 calories for your morning meal, and make sure you’re including a source of […]

Are you struggling to lose weight? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with their weight, and they often turn to fad diets or other methods that don’t work. If you’re like most people, you probably think of Vienna sausage as a fatty, processed food that’s not good for you. But […]

Nutrition  |  Weight Loss December 13, 2021  |  By: Whitney E. RD Is it necessary to cut carbs to lose weight? On this episode of The WERD, we’re looking at the evidence behind low-carb diets and weight loss.  These days it seems like everyone is afraid of the big bad carb, […]