As women, our bodies go through so many things in order to accommodate the baby that is growing inside us. You spend at least 8 months carrying your baby and you could even go through it several times. That could really take a toll on your body.
That is why getting a mommy makeover would be able to help you bring back your body before you got pregnant and started breastfeeding. But what exactly is a mommy makeover? This is everything you need to know about a mommy makeover in New Orleans.
What Are The Pros of Getting a Mommy Makeover in New Orleans?
- Enhancing your cleavage
After you get a baby, your breasts would sometimes tend to lose their shape and their firmness since you are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding would stretch your breast causing it to sag. This is where breast lifts and breast augmentations come in, it would be able to help bring back the youthfulness of your cleavage.
- Getting multiple surgeries in one go
That is the purpose of getting a mommy makeover, so that you would be able to get all of these surgeries in one go. This would usually mean that you are getting at least 3 procedures that are fit for your goals. It would usually involve liposuction, a tummy tuck, and a breast lift.
There are also some people who choose to get these procedures separately because of their lifestyles which would usually need separate consultations, going under anesthesia multiple times, and more recovery time.
But choosing to do these procedures in one go, then you would be able to save more money, and you would have to deal with less billing and insurance.
- Remove your stretch marks
Since your skin is naturally going to stretch since your body is going to have to accommodate the baby that is growing in you. This would lead you to have stretch marks that you could not avoid no matter how hard you try.
You would be able to see these stretch marks around your jobs, thigh, and stomach. These stretch marks could also really affect your self-esteem.
But you would be able to remove these stretch marks and your loose skin by getting a tummy tuck. To remove some of your stretch marks on your arms or your thighs, getting an arm lift and a thigh lift would be able to help with that as well.
- Get a more dramatic and effective effect
Since mommy makeover usually involves you getting all of these different procedures all at once, you would be able to see the effects and changes in a shorter amount of time compared to when you get these procedures separately.
When you get a mommy makeover, the results are also going to last a long time, especially if you maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle. You need to go follow any of your doctor’s instructions, go on a healthy diet, and exercise regularly to maintain the results.
Facts About Mommy Makeover
- Do you need a full tummy tuck?
There are a lot of mommies who need a full tummy tuck because liposuction is an amazing option that you could do for removing some of your extra fat, but liposuction is not enough to take care of all of your sagging skin and your loose muscles. This is why both tummy tuck and liposuction is a famous procedure for people who want to get a mommy makeover.
Though liposuction is effective, a tummy tuck would be able to address all three. Your loose muscles, sagging skin, and removing your extra fat. If you notice that you have all of these loose skin just below your belly button, then a mini tummy tuck is the way to go.
- It would typically involve your breasts and your abdomen
Mommy makeover is a combination of procedures that would help rejuvenate your body and bring back some of the areas of the body that had changed because of these natural circumstances.
You would be able to get certain procedures like:
- Thigh lift
- Breast augmentation
- Arm lift
- Breast lift
- Liposuction
- Breast reduction
- Buttock augmentation
- Tummy tuck
These procedures are there to help you achieve your body goals and contour your body in a way that would make you confident and elevate your self-esteem.
- There really is no such thing as a standard mommy makeover
Your mommy makeover looks different compared to other women’s mommy makeover plans because it is customized to personally fit your needs, goals, body type, and your lifestyle. It doesn’t matter if you are getting a mommy makeover because you had been breastfeeding, you got pregnant, you have aged, you are undergoing menopause, or you have gained or lost weight.
All of these are natural things that would have a toll on your body, breastfeeding, pregnancy, age, menopause, losing and gaining weight, and a mommy makeover would be able to help you fix those and help you bounce right back out.
How Long Is The Recovery Period?
After your mommy makeover, depending on what kind of work you had done, you might need to take off work for about 2 to 3 weeks, but you could go back in just a week or two. But you are going to have to avoid any kind of strenuous activities for 4 to 8 weeks, which means that you are going to have to avoid heavy exercising, heavy lifting, and straining yourself.
You would be able to see the full results of your surgery in 6 to 12 months after you go through your procedure because there is going to be some swelling and your tissues are going to have to settle completely, but you could already be fully recovered 3 to 4 months after you get the surgery.