Regular vigorous exercise is one of the best ways to improve your health and longevity, but most people don’t get enough. In the U.S., less than a quarter of adults meet the federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity. However, new research suggests that doing three one-minute bursts […]
Pregnancy is a complex time for your body. What to eat while pregnant is essential. Many changes are taking place with or without your knowledge. A lot of these changes are physical, while others are mental. As a pregnant mother or a supporting partner, eating habits while pregnant is essential. […]
Getting healthy can look different for everyone, but looking after your health is always important. There are lots of ways that you can get healthy, from changing your diet to exercising more. The latter of the two can be quite hard to start, especially when you’re a newbie. Running is […]
If you don’t already know my story, I have a history of both Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and Bulimia. ‘Binge’ has become a word that’s used fairly loosely now. It’s not uncommon for someone to say that they binged watched a show. So too with food, it’s common for someone to […]
Somedays I wish I had an escape route. good one, am I right?! Reality kicks in and I remind myself, “but you don’t do that anymore.” Somedays I wish I could just turn off these thoughts and feelings. Reality kicks in and I remind myself, “but you don’t do that […]
This recipe is so easy to make, tastes great, and is a great alternative to conventional chips. I suggest making a large batch on Sunday and eating them throughout the week as a delicious crunchy snack. Kale chips are great because kale is full of vitamins such as vitamin C, […]
ما هو افارا؟ افارا Avara هو دواء يُستخدم في علاج التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي عن طريق تقليل العلامات والأعراض، وتحسين الوظيفة البدنية، ومنع تطور الأضرار الهيكلية للمفاصل. يعمل عن طريق منع بعض الإنزيمات المسؤولة عن نمو الأنسجة غير الطبيعية مثل الإنزيم المسئول عن بناء البيريميدين. كما أنه مضاد لتكاثر الخلايا المناعية […]
You’ve made the decision to eat healthily, and now you’re wondering if it’s really working. Maybe you’ve been following a balanced diet and your skin is still breaking out. Or maybe you’re eating healthy but your acne isn’t clearing up as quickly as you’d like it to. Eating a healthy […]
If you’re on the HCG diet, then you know that it comes with its own set of rules and regulations. Even though these choices may seem insignificant, one of the most important aspects of the diet is knowing which HCG salad dressings, sauces, and spices are allowed. When You are […]
September 21, 2022 · 7:00 PM “One little piece won’t hurt . . .” An article in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found an association between overweight/obesity and consumption of ultra–processed foods in U.S. adolescents. The study looked at 3,600 adolescents who reported their food intake […]